Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Day 1- Frankfurt

Here are my pictures from my first day in Europe, my arrival in Frankfurt!

Here is the Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof (main train station) from the inside- epic!

and just a hop, skip, and a very large and bumpy pedestrian crossing away is my home for the night, Frankfurt Hostel. Check out this sweet view! I'm sitting in this balcony seat as I type...

...and the view up the other side of Kaiserstrasse:

Europeans so totally take their awesome architecture for granted.

Just like The Hoff, Jordan and I enjoy some degree of notoriety in Germany.

Not only can you still buy cigs out of vending machines in Germany, but look how cute the vending machines are! This one was located a convenient half a block from a children's playground.

Some other type of vending machine, I don't know what it sells but it looks cool!

Check out these awesome pedicabs! It's not even one awesome guy doing it, either, there's tons of these around.

This one's for my ladybro Jordan:

I spent about half an hour wandering around the University trying madly to find the Struwwel Peter museum, and in the process saw this interesting station entrance:

Finally found it!

I want this plate. It's a tableau of a hare stalking, fooling, then shooting a hunter.

This is what happens when you don't stop sucking your thumb!

and this is what happens when you play with matches!

The Germans really put money up on a pedestal, let me tell you.

The largest umbrella I have ever seen. Period. The man in the suit with his back to me wasn't even under it yet when I snapped this.

Is it bad luck for a hair salon if your business is right next door to a wig shop?

Pimp my BMW:


  1. You always find such unique & creative things to photograph and write about, which will make for a fascinating trip blog. Glad you had a good trip and Dad says the Frankfurt train station hasn't changed since he was stationed there in the middle of the last century!!! I bet that surprises you...

  2. I had no idea we had such a following in Europe! Awesome! Maybe you can write off your trip now!

    Have fun!

    Oh, and yes, you did leave your microphone here. It's safe and sound!
