In less than an hour I leave on my way to Copenhagen and back to tha muthaland, Sweden! I spent my last day in Holland hanging out with Anne on his morning off, then returned to Amsterdam to see the stuff I missed. I had such a great time in the Netherlands, I really love it here! The company helps, too! So here are some photos from today- I can't guarantee a blog post tomorrow since I'm not sure when I'll next have a connection.
My shoes- I bought these less than a week before I left- so these have been worn for less than two weeks!
The Dutch are dirty birdies! Their toilets have the pipe in the front, not the rear, so that your poop ends up on this little 'shelf.' The rationale is that you can inspect your poo to see if you're sick. At first I found it gross but now I kind of like the Dutch toilet! I'll miss you, little guy.
Anne and Anjani's shower- literally a water closet! I had to take this photo because this shower makes me laugh. It's kind of awesome!
Back in Amsterdam! I completely walked by this yesterday without seeing it- that's understandable, considering it's the world's narrowest house. Just over a meter wide, and only 6 meters deep (a meter is just around a yard).
I finally managed to get to the red light district today. Here is the touristy area you head through.
Now it's the narrowest house in Europe (excluding the narrowest house in the world, I guess?)!
A cool motif. I'm not sure what the triple X is all about, but it's kind of Amsterdam's logo.
The best part about staying with friends is tips from locals! Anne gave me specific directions to this frites shop, where he used to go as a kid when his dad kicked him out of the office with some pocket money.
Literally the best frites I've ever had. Ever. Truly double fried- they were so golden and crunchy I couldn't get the fork into them!
Sigh... I hate to leave the Netherlands, it's so wonderful! But by this time tomorrow I will be in Sweden... with vegans! Hooray!
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